Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The truth about the NZ flag

Warning: I am not sure if all the material in this post is historically, or at all, accurate
The NZ flag has a very gruesome past...
Or not :) :) :) :)
When the Europeans first came to NZ, and the capital of NZ was Russell, they introduced a flag that is very different to the current one, it was basically the St. George's Cross with the top-left-hand corner blue with the southern cross in it. I will see if I have a pic of it somewhere...
[I will acknowledge my source (Wikimedia commons), or else I would be plagiarising. PS: View my website on plagiarism at: Plagiarism 4 Dummies ]
This is roughly what I think it looked like, but I am not entirely sure (correct me if I am wrong). We were doing some stuff about it in class today, and this looks kind of like what Mr Woody drew. That is about all I know about the old flag, so I will say some stuff about the current one [ ]. I think this design came from a sailing flag that the far reaches of the British empire used, and that is why Australia has a similar one, but again, I am not sure. If someone who is reading this knows the truth, please leave a comment or email me at: SombreroMan5@hotmail.com.
There have been a few NZ flags over time, and most of them are at this site: Wikipedia NZ Flag. That is about all I know about the NZ flag, so in the words of Me, 'I shall go now'
Quote of the day: Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river. - Nikita Khrushchev


i couldn't think of one... said...

Wow I never new that. Cool :)

Anonymous said...

You have such a cool blog and interesting posts come and check out my blog I have put on a new post :)

MrWoody said...

This is an excellent follow up to what we were discussing in class. Well done OtherBoy. The rest of the class can learn from you.

The Other Boy said...

Thanks MrWoody, Iceman suggested that I do a post about it.

Mystery Man said...

wow the other boy your blog is awsome you have done so much research out of class well done!!!