Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Quick Update:

The Fair Go Ad Awards are an event that occurs once a year. The are on right now, and I am posting in the ads. The Cadbury Eyebrows ad on one of my older posts was amazingly featured in both the best 5 and the worst 5 ads. the winners are yet to be announced, and I will keep you posted.

Big Bouncing Inflatable Green Ball

Here is another one of Ryan Higa's hilarious videos

Ryan Higa

I was on YouTube the other day and found out about this cool guy named Ryan Higa (His username is nigahiga), and he has made a bunch of cool videos, includin the popular 'how to be a' series, featuring 'How to be a ninja', 'How to be an emo', and 'How to be a gangster'.
He has also made some shorter videos, adverts mainly, which I have uploaded below:

Sorry for any slight un-PC-ness

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How about Whamilton instead of Hamilton?


How about a "w" in Hamilton?

Hamilton's Graeme "Laird McGillicuddy" Cairns wants to add a letter and, potentially, controversy by calling Waikato's only city Whamilton.

Inspired by the Wanganui/Whanganui furore, Mr Cairns has a plan to rebrand the city.

Hamilton was named after British naval officer Captain John Fane Charles Hamilton, but rather than stick with its "embarrassing colonial past", Mr Cairns suggests the city take jetboat inventor William Hamilton's name.

"Let's look to the future and name our city after a zooming, high-tech modern industrialist," Mr Cairns said.

The full name would be a bit of a mouthful, he said, but reduced to its essence is Whamilton.

The beauty of saying so long to the Tron was that the new name can be pronounced four different ways. "With a silent 'h', a silent 'w', an 'f' sound or the aspirated 'w' sound "as in the word `which' when it is pronounced correctly."

Whamilton had "real impact and was a punchy kind of a name" that reflected the city's status as a premier boxing and V8 racing venue.

By flipping the "i" upside down another option was WHAM!lton. "It's got plenty of biff, bam and wallop that way."

The "team-effort" brain wave has been sent to Hamilton City Council's marketing department.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Funny Mr Woody

Here is my teacher giving a lesson on Maori pronunciation:

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Marketing Tricks

To sell their products, marketers often use different approaches to influence you. One such way is to present a problem that you didn't even know you really had, and then immediately show you their solution. Another way is to show someone you admire or look up to using the product, such as a toy aimed at five-year-olds being used by an older person, around the age of seven or eight, because smaller children look up to older people. Some ads aim to form an emotional bond with you, such as showing a lady with a baby in an advertisement for a product aimed at single mothers. Cadbury uses a similar approach, by showing you something that has nothing to do with their product, but instead makes you think, "Wow, that's cool". Here are a few examples of this:

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Stuff we need to know about for our term project

Consumers Guarantee Act
• The Guarantee means that when someone sells you something they automatically agree to the following terms and conditions:
• Manufacturers have to make sure that goods do what they are made to do, and that they have replacement parts available. The manufacturer also has to honour any warranties that people give them.
• Retailers will make sure that their goods match the display model and the description given in the advertisements. Also, the product must belong to the consumer once paid for, and it must be sold for a reasonable price.
• Providers of a service guarantee that their service will be performed with reasonable care and skill, will fit for the particular purpose they were supplied for and will be completed within a reasonable time for a reasonable price.
Ministry of Consumer Affairs
• You are covered if you are buying everyday products such as clothes, washing machines, cars, etc… or services of a type that people ordinarily have carried out for a personal or household purpose, such as car repairs, haircuts, dry cleaning, painting or work done by a lawyer. From 8 July 2003, the Consumer Guarantees Act applies to electricity, gas, water and computer software. From this date, the Consumer Guarantees Act also applies to services relating to the supply of electricity, telecommunications, gas, water, and the removal of wastewater.
• You are not covered by the Act if you buy the product from a private seller or from an auction/tender. It also doesn’t cover commercial goods, e.g. goods or services of a type that are ordinarily bought for use in offices, factories or farms (although these may be covered by the Sale of Goods Act).
• There are remedies that traders must provide if a guarantee is broken. There is a range of remedies dependent on such issues as which guarantee was broken, how serious the problem is and whether you want a remedy for faulty goods against the manufacturer or retailer.
Advertising Standards Authority
• The ASA sets the rules and guidelines for what you can and can’t put in a advertisement directed at children, food (well not at food but about food, you get my point), etc…
• The purpose of the Advertising Standards Authority is to “self-regulate advertising in New Zealand”.

Term topic

Hi, I know I haven't posted in AGES, but I have been pretty busy with stuff, so I thought I'd bring all my readers up to date.
This term we are learning about entrepreneurs, innovators, and inventors. We have to design and create a product to sell at a trade fair between our classes in week 10. Sprint Gas Racing and I have been developing a set of tutorials that we are going to sell to people who need ICT assistance.
Now for some definitions. says:


1. a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, esp. a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk.
2. an employer of productive labor; contractor.
–verb (used with object)
3. to deal with or initiate as an entrepreneur.
–verb (used without object)
4. to act as an entrepreneur.


–verb (used without object)
1. to introduce something new; make changes in anything established.
–verb (used with object)
2. to introduce (something new) for or as if for the first time: to innovate a computer operating system.
3. Archaic. to alter.


a person who invents, esp. one who devises some new process, appliance, machine, or article; one who makes inventions.
Also, in⋅vent⋅er.