Saturday, November 14, 2009

More bad jokes

Seriously, these are some really bad jokes. Dunno why I'm even posting them, other than to say I did. At any rate, these are pretty much the worst jokes I could find. Enjoy! .... or maybe not.
Two fish were in a tank. One said to the other, "Do you know how to drive this thing?"
Did I ever tell you the story about the broken pencil? It had no point.
I was reading a book about adhesive the other day. I just couldn't put it down.
Q: What's the friendliest school?
A: Hi school.
Q: What's black, white, black, white, and green?
A: Two skunks fighting over a pickle.
Q: What do you give a dog with a fever?
A: Mustard. (It's good for hot dogs.)
Q: What do you call a bass vocalist who sings by himself?
A: So-low.
Q: Where do books eat dinner?
A: At the table of contents.
Q: Why were the suspenders arrested?
A: For holding up a pair of pants.
Q: What do you get if you cross a cow with a camel?
A: A lumpy milkshake.
Q; What did the angry inflatable teacher say to the irresponsible inflatable child in the inflatable school?
A: Not only have you let me down, you've let yourself down, and you've let the whole school down!
Q: Why was the broom late?
A: Because he overswept.

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