Thursday, June 4, 2009

Successful Learner PPT

I was recently referred to a site called "SlideShare". This is what the SlideShare website says: "Upload and share your PowerPoint presentations and Word documents on SlideShare. Share publicly or privately. Add audio to make a webinar". I am enjoying using it and already have two uploads and gaining. You will notice a widget on the side of my blog showing all my SlideShare uploads. Anyway, back to business. Earlier in the year I wrote a post about the traits of a successful learner, and I mentioned that I didn't know how to upload the PowerPoint I made to Blogger, so this seemed like the perfect solution. To see the earlier post, click here. So here is my PowerPoint [Please note that the actual PowerPoint had a short but inspiring clip in it. To see the clip, click here]:


pinky said...

Nice! so . . . . . . . .


jjdragonrider said...

wow! wht a cool slideshow!

Happy said...

haha omg just stumbbled across this blog when I was searching for the traits of a successful learner! That is pretty cool. haha 22/09/09